Sunday, 26 June 2011

Kosmonauty - długopis/10 minutek w PS

Szkice długopisowe (jak poprzednio) i dodatkowo parę prostych rzeczy w PS zrobionych w 10 minut (gradienty, dodatkowo lekkie podmalówki białym).


  1. wooooo ci są niezli :)
    rąbałeś pozy z głowy ?

  2. fajnie czuć balans postaci i ich wagę ja zawsze mam z tym problem. jak maluje to często coś nie siedzi od pasa w dół... ;/

  3. Aaaa znam to, znam. Też mam te problemy z nogami.
    Patentem na to jest narysowanie sobie na ziemi "landmark", takiego krzyżyka żeby ustawić grunt/perspektywę/balans.
    Spróbuj, jak rysujesz postać, zrobić krzyżyk/prostokąt na ziemi w perspektywie, potem ze środka daj pion który ci pokaże gdzie ma być środek ciężkości.
    I od tego rysuj postacie.
    Jeszcze jest taki patent żeby najpierw zaznaczać/rysować końcowe punkty na postaci - dłonie i stopy.

  4. Bombeczka. Moi faworyci to numer 1 i 8, ale caly komplet wyszedl bardzo elegancko.

  5. Świetne rysuny, a i nauczyc sie idzie wiele jak zwykle, dawno cie nie widzialem Gutku na max'ie a Kojot mi przypomnial, ze istniejesz :)

  6. It is very inspiring to follow your creations here, and I am sure the blog would get a lot more attention if it were written in english.
    Unfortunately I don't speak polish at all and the online translation is not always very helpful...

    I have seen many of your changes done in warband, and many mods use them at this point, where they keep gettting a lot of praise. Indeed the reason I write here is that I wanted to ask whether you would approve of me using one of the textures of your "polished buildings" for an OSP.

    I am sorry to drag it here and not write to you directly, I also sent you a PM on the taleworlds forum, but it seems you aren't active there anymore, and I would really want to have your approval before releasing this.

    If you want to contact me outside of the taleworlds forum, my e-mail is:

    Sorry again for disrupting this with my unrelated english blabbering, I will restrict myself to just following the pictures in the future^^

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Is your email correct?
    I got this when I tried to send permission to you:
    : host[] said:
    550-5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist.

    Anyway, as long as it's non-commercial and you give me credit - use PB if you want.

  9. Ah, I am very sorry, indeed I made a mistake with the adress, its:

    I must have accidently messed the "g" in there... Thanks for giving an answer though, it will take a while yet until I release the OSP, but with your texture it will look a lot better^^
